Ivanete Schneider Hahn, Flavia Luciane Scherer, Clandia Maffini Gomes, Ana Paula Perlin, Maria Carolina Serpa Fagundes Oliveira


This paper reports an empirical study of Brazil's country image. The purpose is to analyze (1) the existing perceptions of Brazil after the BRIC’s rush, (2) if there are differences between groups and (3) why such differences exist. Two studies were performed with people from foreign countries. Findings suggest that the image of Brazilian products cannot be considered a competitive advantage (except for typical products such as coffee, cachaça, etc.). It was also found that foreigners who have visited Brazil or with higher levels of educational attainment create an emotional bond and have a more positive image of Brazil. We concluded that researchers and marketing managers should not ignore the importance of country image or consider the image of Brazil as non-relevant to product acceptance in the international market.


Country image. COO effect. Marketing. International Marketing.

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