Thayssa Lamas Gelenske, Josivania Silva Farias, Carlos Denner Santos Jr.


This research investigated the relationship between perceived risk by bank customers in the use of Mobile Banking (MB) and their trust in the bank's brand. The descriptive research was applied with 356 Brazilian customers that access their banking account via smartphones or tablets. Data analysis was performed using: descriptive and non-parametric statistics. The results show: the correlation between perceived risk in using the MB and the trust in the bank's brand; the influence of perceived risk in the use of MB on trust in the bank's brand; and the significant differences in perceived risk and trust in the bank's brand considering the profile variables: age, gender, income, length of relationship, type of transaction and frequency of access to MB. This study may enlarge knowledge about the perceived risk in the use of technology and trust in the brand and can generate insights for the development of appropriate relationships strategies to different audiences on the use of mobile technology.



Confiança na Marca; Risco Percebido; Mobile Banking; Tecnologia Móvel. Comportamento do Consumidor.

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