Bruna Formigoni Amboni, Gisele Silveira Coelho Lopes, Diogo Pereira Morais, Andrigo Rodrigues


This study identifies the level of charismatic leadership in leaders of the slaughterhouse company located in the south of Santa Catarina (Brazil). It was theoretically approached the effects of charisma in the exercise of leadership and charismatic leadership and its dimensions according to the theoretical model of Conger et al. (1997). This research is characterized as descriptive. The technique analysis is predominantly quantitative. The study was carried out in three factories in the company of food of slaughterhouse type, located in the south of Santa Catarina. This company has a total of 4.526 employees and 51 leaders in the three units. Only 40 leaders participated in the search. The data collection process consisted of  the application of a structured questionnaire proposed by Conger et al (1997) with 20 statements distributed in 5 (five) dimensions as follows: (i) strategic vision and articulation; (ii) sensitivity to the environment; (iii) sensitivity to members; iv) personal risk and v) non-conventional behavior. The 47th issue was opened, proposed by the authors of this paper, as a way to understand the challenges of leadership in this field of research. It can be concluded that leaders present the more traditional leadership than charismatic. To the charismatic leadership, the leader should be more enthusiastic in order to mobilize members to "to their best to the company." The results indicated that leaders tend to act within a certain neutrality, without causing greater impacts that arouse enthusiasm in the leaders.



liderança; Carisma; Agronegócio.

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